Privacy – the next marketing battlefield?

Privacy – the next marketing battlefield?

Digital Shoreditch is a one-week long festival dedicated to celebrating creativity and to promoting the talent of new entrepreneurs in the technology and creative industries. The event is held every year in the East London district of Shoreditch, mostly around the Brick Lane and Clerkenwell areas. I spoke there about privacy and the forthcoming ‘cookie law’.

As it becomes easier to operate online, so the number of websites increase dramatically. Your unique message is lost amongst the thousands of all too similar brands, sites and background noise from Twitter and other social networks of all competing for business.  How do you differentiate your brand from everyone else and increase customer retention?  By caring for your users privacy.  Join Informed Choices CEO Marcus Stafford and discuss this increasingly hot topic about privacy branding to grow your business.

Questions answered:  Why is privacy important?  What return will I get from promoting privacy?  What changes will I have to make to my site?


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